Clayton 3D X-Ray Imaging
State-Of-The-Art Dental Technology
Sirona 3D X-Ray Technologies
At the offices of Clayton Individualized Dentistry we use the latest and greatest in dental technology to ensure that your visits are as smooth and gentle as possible. We use the latest Sirona 3D X-ray imaging machines that allow our dentists and staff to see and assess problems that would often go undiagnosed with standard 2D technology. Using these machines Dr. Lee & Dr. Bell can plan dental implants in 3 dimensions. This technology also assists in the use of CEREC one visit dental crowns.
Using 3D X-Rays for Dental Implants
3D X-Rays are far superior to standard 2D X-Ray imaging. As we mentioned above, the Sirona 3D X-Ray imaging can be used in the planning and implementation process of dental implants. The technology allows the doctor to virtually plan out the implant process in 3 dimensions on the computer, before ever performing the procedure in the patients mouth! This reduces the number of surprises that could be encountered during the surgical process.
3D X-Rays may not be necessary for all implants and other dental procedures and each patient will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
X-Ray Imaging Example
These X-Rays are a sample of a dental implant procedure performed on a patient. The X-Rays were taken using the Sirona 3D X-Ray machine and the imaging was done using CAD (Computer Aided Design) technology. The first 4 images show the patients X-Rays using 3 dimensional slices from both vertical and horizontal angles. CAD images are then overlayed on the X-Rays using the computer enhancement system. The final image shows the successful implant anchor and healed bone structure.